Business Profiles With My Destination Ibiza
If you´re passionate about Ibiza & love living and working here, then why not become a part of My Guide Ibiza and a partner in our global network of online travel guides? Our local experts on the ground are always out & about gathering information, taking photos & video and preparing for the next big event.
We look forward to working with you in the future and please keep in mind that people all over the world plan their holidays throughout the year. Low season here is only low season because of the weather, not because there is not much happening! The winter months are beautiful and just check out our events page to see what we mean about the fun there is to be had!
Check out our multimedia & social media options too, at unheard of prices.
Pay Monthly by direct debit or sign up for a year and get a FREE BANNER ADVERT!
If you have any questions please don´t hesitate to contact us at
A multimedia rich profile with basic exposure recommended for small businesses like Yoga Teachers or Personal Trainers. A Standard profile sits below both the Premium and the Platinum profiles but you can upgrade at any time.
The profile includes:
- ALL contact info
- a link to your website
- links to your social media pages
- your logo
- an "about you" section
- photography
- 360º virtual tours
- video
- access to the client interface.
A multimedia rich profile with great exposure, always in the top 20 of the category and recommended for any business looking to maximise their online exposure. A Premium profile sits below the Platinum but you can easily upgrade at any time.
The profile includes:
- ALL contact info
- a link to your website
- links to your social media pages
- your logo
- an "about you" section
- photography
- 360º virtual tours
- video
- access to the client interface.
The Platinum profile gets the most exposure in the top 10 on the first page & on the home page, guaranteeing maximum results with minimum cost per exposure. We recommend it for big businesses & corporations or anyone who wants their business to get a lot of eyeballs.
The profile includes:
- ALL contact info
- a link to your website
- links to your social media pages
- your logo
- an "about you" section
- photography
- 360º virtual tours
- video
- social media support & promotion
- event loading (done by us)
- Access to the client interface.